Bing Releases the Three Pillars of Content Quality
by Rob May / Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Bing’s senior program manager, Michael Basilyan published a post to give insight as to how Bing algorithms address quality content when ranking web pages and documents inside their index. There are thousands of web documents that could be relevant for any one search query, so Bing needed to develop highly structured algorithms to return the

A Guide to Developing Content Strategy – Part I
by Rob May / Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Earlier this month, I wrote an article about various misconceptions about content strategy, and pointed out a few key points to help improve your already ongoing efforts in content marketing! This week’s article starts to focus at the foundation, and a little more on several key points that I think will help anyone get off to

7 Common Misconceptions about Content Strategy
by Rob May / Tuesday, 04 November 2014

Content strategy is a critical component of any marketing campaign. Your business can offer the most fashionable handbags, the most accurate real estate models, the most astute financial counselling, or the best party planning in the city, but you need to provide the content your potential customers are looking for on your website to be

How to develop a content marketing strategy
by Salim Ammara / Thursday, 05 June 2014

Inbound marketing’s reputation as an online sales strategy and process is already proven and when we discuss inbound marketing, we must talk about content marketing and editorial strategies. A thought-provoking content strategy is indisputably essential—whether it’s to improve your company’s search engine positioning, to make it a front runner or expert in its field, to

The Worst Advice We’ve Ever Heard About Blogging
by Erin / Thursday, 29 May 2014

If you’re looking to start up a blog — or spruce up an existing one — you might consider searching for tips and tricks on the internet to help you find your way. This is definitely a good place to start, especially considering the sheer amount of information available these days. It’s important to remember, though,