The inbound marketing process is all about attracting, converting and upselling. If you’re new to this concept, you might want to read the first article that introduces the inbound marketing strategy. There are different methods to achieve these goals with your website audience. It’s good to have a great promotion or to have a great piece of content for the persons’ to be attracted by your company, but more important is how you present it to your visitors. It’s also about the way you bring the information to them. In an ideal world, you want to have both when presenting an offer while keeping a positive ROI. Here are a few best practices to do so.
The 2 most popular type of offers
Promotional offers
Offering a promotion is a good way for the visitors – and possible lead – to know your brand and see how good you are. It allows you to build a trust relationship with them. They get to know your products at a lower cost. The goal of this practice is and will always be to convert a visitor or a lead into a customer. You can then delight them and benefit from their customer lifetime’s value. That’s the reason why most of the offers are targeting new subscriptions and signups: to attract new people. This technique is mostly used for the “bottom of the funnel’ customer stage.
The e-book allows you to demonstrate your expertise in your niche and stand out from your competitors. It’s an informative piece of content that will allow your readers to gain confidence towards your brand. Like any other marketing activity, the e-book should be targeting different stages: the top, middle and bottom of the funnel. The customer staging has to be defined, and a technical arrangement has to be made in order to have dynamic and smart lists. This will allow you to present specific e-books to people in different stages of your funnel.
The presentation of your offers
Blog sidebar
The most common and best way to present an offer to your audience is by adding a sidebar in your blog. The reason why you put it there is because the readers are already showing a particular interest towards your company or blog content. Presenting them an offer at this point becomes relevant and necessary. The best practice of this point is that your offer shouldn’t stop the visitors from accessing your content. The content of the blog is still easily available as well as the sidebar that presents your offer. The visitor has the choice to look into your offer or ignore it.
An example of bad practice would be a POP-UP or anything that would be too intrusive, something that would prevent the audience from accessing what they want on your website.
Social Media
Another great way of presenting your offer is through the social media properties. Here’s an article that talks about the basics of social media marketing and how to get started with it. Again, at that point, the users are already “engaged” in some way. The best way to present an offer or promotion on social media properties such as Facebook is to display a well-designed banner with a clear headline of what your offer is about. This method is proven to perform better than text offers.
Those techniques are the best practices to acquire a new lead in your customer’s staging, turning them into adepts of your brand/product. You always want to bring them further in your acquisition funnel and to do so, you need specifics tactics. Everything has to be natural; you don’t want to push too much. You don’t want to be too intrusive or force them to see something they don’t care about as you might lose them for good. For those reasons, you should have specific content for specific group of customers and different stages in your acquisition funnels. Keeping those best practices in mind while running an inbound marketing campaign will help you a lot.
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