Setting Yourself Up For Social Media Amplification Success!
by Rob May / Monday, 12 January 2015

If you’re thinking that social media isn’t valuable, or not worth the effort, let me hit you up with some knowledge! Forrester Research tells us “social networks have become a critical discovery point and platform.” They are now the second most popular channel for website discovery, behind only organic search.” This should be a big eye

Facebook Launches New Tools to Help Pages Better Target Their Audiences
by Rob May / Friday, 12 December 2014
Published in Market News, Social media

Facebook launches new tools to help Pages better target their audiences and, better understand the impact of their social posts. In a recent Facebook new feed via their media hub, they have announced a new toolset for online publishers. In an effort to help publishers with their online marketing by offering a new set of

10 Steps to Rock your Facebook campaign
by Gabriel Touchette / Friday, 01 August 2014

Too many times I have encountered shaky social media campaigns that ended up doing more harm than good. This is why I thought it would be a good idea for Ludis to develop a handy checklist that will enable you to effectively monitor your Facebook campaign. So without further ado, here is the list! Prepare

12 tricks to improve your Facebook marketing campaigns
by Salim Ammara / Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Published in Social media

In most cases, an efficient Web strategy requires a mix of communication media. Each medium must be chosen strategically, and intended for a specific goal. Today, with the Internet, there is no limit to what marketers can achieve. From direct sales, we went to one-way communication like television commercials and newspaper ads. Then, the Internet

The ABCs of Google+
by Justine Voyer / Tuesday, 17 June 2014
Published in Social media

A short time ago, we talked about, or rather wrote about, the importance of using Google+ to optimize your company’s listings on search engines. Today, I will provide more details on the creation and use of a Google+page. Creating the page 1. The process to follow to create your Google+ page is quite simple. Click here, and then click