Top 5 must-have information for local business website

Top 5 must-have information for local business website

by Gabriel Touchette / Tuesday, 18 February 2014 / Published in Measure & Optimize, Smart Content


With the arrival of local search, we noticed a major increase in the number of businesses gaining access to the web. Whether be via a website or simply trough Google places, it is important for local business to know what consumers are actively looking for in term of information.

This is exactly what we will do today! We will use data that are collected from a study made by We will review the top 5 informations that are considered crucial to North American consumer. Rich from that, you will be able to ensure that your website has all the right information that your clients are looking for!

Lets start!


#5 Opening hours

Opening hour is a crucial information for local business img credit to

This is something I also am often looking for. You are on a last minute shopping spree (Valentine day last Friday!), and you know this florist on your way

but you are not sure if it is still open after 5? You don’t want to call, but you need to know! Well you are not the only one! According to the study of, 10% of the surveyed sample considers the opening hours to be important to appear on a local business website.


#4 The physical address

Using the previous example, you are short in time to get the perfect gift for your loved one, and a friend tells you about this great jeweller located somewhere around your work place. Unfortunately, your friend isn’t too precise about the store location… You will want the address of this jeweller to be easily accessible maybe even with a map to easily orient yourself. Again, 10% of the respondent classified the physical address in their top 3 most important elements to be present on a local business websites.


#3 Phone numbers

I don’t like to call people, but a quick phone call is sometimes so much more effective than e-mail! Again, with our Valentine example, you know your girlfriends really like a special type of flower but you don’t know if the only florist in town who carries those flower offer home delivery? It is 4 o’clock, and you don’t have time to mess around with e-mail address… You will be happy to find their phone number on their homepage! 11% of the surveyed North American consumers thought that a phone number is priority information.


#2 Price listAnything more annoying that a website with no price list! Img credit to

Is there something more annoying than the infamous contact us for more pricing information? Let’s pretend that you are only couple hours away from your date and are on a budget, you will want to know which restaurant offers you the more bang for your buck! If you are hesitating between two restaurants and one does not indicate the price of their special Valentine menu, well chances are that you book for the second one. Don’t be that restaurant. Show the prices.


#1 List of products

People are searching the web for answer and/or product/service. More often then not, they are not searching for your brand. It is pretty hard for your business to bring traffic without having your product on your site.

And if they still manage to get to your site, and you don’t have your product there and one of your competitors does, you pretty much lost a sale to them.

You know your girlfriend loves white lily. After a quick Google search, you find two florist in your area, and one of them tells you that they have a large inventory of white lily and the other one tell you they have flowers… Which one are you going to visit?


In conclusion

As entrepreneurs, we have to make everything under our power to satisfy and cater to our potential clients needs. This is a very hard task, and we often are stuck in the mist of trying to solve everything at once…  That being said, I believe that those 5 elements should be easily optimized. After all, the very least we can do is to provide our business information!

If you have any question, feel free to ask!

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Gabriel Touchette, Ludis Media
Gabriel Touchette est diplômé de l’Université Bishop’s. Étudiant sérieux, il s’est inscrit avec succès dans une double concentration, soit en entrepreneurship et en marketing (BBA, 2012). De plus, il a reçu un diplôme de l’Université de Sherbrooke en maîtrise en commerce électronique (M.Sc, 2013). Entrepreneur dans l’âme, en 2013, il fonde, une des plus grandes communautés Web dédiées à la pêche au Québec. Directeur marketing chez Ludis Media, Gabriel est passionné de stratégies Web. Tellement mordu par son métier qu’il demeure à l’affût de toutes les nouvelles tendances marketing, et ce, dès leur création.

Un commentaire to “Top 5 must-have information for local business website”

  1. Here you shared an really astounding information business people like me. I’m going Check these 5 factors for my business website today itself.

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